
I have a working title of Peacemaker for the cowpunk, named after the 1873 Peacemaker pistol – the gun that won the west. My two main characters are named (Virgin Jackson and Nate Sixkiller), the premise is in place and I’ve written several pages. It’s a go-go!

There’s something equally exhilarating and terrifying about starting a new novel. Strange thoughts run through your head. Can I do this?What will it be like? Countered by the sense of  liberation at creating something from scratch. Freefall into the page. For the first time since I began writing full time, I’m thinking of writing about the novel journey. Join me if you like. It could be slow and painful or not?


davitt-award  aurealis-award   logo-curtin-university

Peacemaker - Aurealis Award
Best Science Fiction Novel 2014

Curtin University Distinguished Alumni Award 2014

Transformation Space - Aurealis Award
 Best Science Fiction Novel 2010

Sharp Shooter - Davitt Award
Best Crime Novel 2009 (Sisters in Crime Australia) 





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