Very excited to report that Ilona Andrews and Gregory Frost will both be guest blogging here in the next month. I love it when we have visitors!
And some rather exciting-making reviews for Burn Bright have been coming in.
Renee at YA Book Reads says:
“… a fictional location that is entirely fresh and unprecedented in YA fantasy … everything flowed so effortlessly. Descriptions were lush, sensual and evocative, but never bogged down in superfluous detail …” Read the full review here.
And …
“Burn Bright is an epic and mystifying new novel from Australian writer, Marianne de Pierres. The novel is a cross between Logan’s Run, Lord of the Flies and The Beach with a healthy dose of
sci-fi steampunk thrown in for good measure. It is incredible, and should most certainly be appearing on everyone’s ‘Must Read’ list for 2011!” Read the rest of ALPHA Reader’s review here.
That’s a bunch of goodies for a Friday. But coming Monday there’s more with the release of Yunyu’s song sample of Angel Arias on YouTube. We’ll also have the details of a live podcast that will bring Angel Arias fully into the world for the first time.
And lastly, I will have my Burn Bright tour details soon. A little birdy whispered in my ear that Galaxy Bookshop is on the list. That means cake with Mark Timmony!
All that remains is for me to finish my Angel Arias (bk 2). With just under three weeks to delivery, this might be the last bit of sense you get out of me for a while. Please send out search parties if I haven’t blogged by midweek!