Heading to Perth soon for SwanCon and very much looking forward to it. The last few months have been work, work, work, and back injury recovery – it will be great to have a proper break.
Interestingly, the more I find myself mired in routine and work, the more I crave escapism in the way of Film and TV. I’ve had the pleasure of watching some great series in the last little while, usually just before I go to bed at night (hence my late night tweets on the matter). Anyway, for those that are interested here are my verdicts:
The Border – Canadian show with some excellent story-lines and a lot of hand held camera. The camera took a bit of adjusting to, but once I did it really added a whole different feel to the show. The acting was a little uneven but some of the characters developed well over series one, and the writers had fun making their characters squirm.
Verdict: some of the most well constructed plots I’ve seen in a while. Have ordered series 2 (which Grace Park is in). Shame it was cancelled after series 3.
Covert Affairs – Piper Perbao is so vivacious and knows how to run and move, so the action scenes are really tremendous. The stories are fine but a little generic. I usually prefer the grittier more realistic approach but this is so slickly produced, you just have to appreciate the production values. Solid poke at the career inbreeding at Quantico and CIA paranoia.
Verdict: Light but super slick. Fun enough to stay with into series 2.
Scott and Bailey – what can I say other than LOVE! Acting is quite simply superb. There have been criticism’s levelled at it that it’s quite anti-male, or at least, portrays men in a very poor light. Honestly, I can see what the critics mean, but it is so authentic that I can’t agree with them that it’s a problem. The theme music bears mentioning because it is truly the best I’ve heard, and the regular focus-pull on some establishing scenes lends it certain flavour (watch it and you’ll see what I mean). Story-lines are multi-episodic, which really appeals to me.
Verdict: Something to get excited about. Series 2 can’t come out on DVD soon enough.
About to start a series called King, tonight. Will update you in due course. Can’t access the promotional vid for it yet, but it’s Canadian, so I’m betting I like it.
My dear friend Ju is recommending this series, Fairly Legal, which I will definitely check out.
I’ve also started on the Tess Gerritsen, Rizzoli and Isles books. Quite keen now to get the series on DVD and watch from the start. The episodes I’ve seen haven’t quite captured me. I’m finding the relationship between the two main characters lacking something – but perhaps that’s because I’m watching it in grabs.