I’ve spent the week working concertedly on the Angel Arias – book two the Burn Bright series or The Night Creatures trilogy as I think it is going to be called. The larger part of this novel takes the main character back to her home in Grave. What I hadn’t thought about was the fact that she’d be spending some time at the beginning of the book on a pirate’s island. It never fails to fascinate me how the things you set up in stories take on their own life – and from there grow their own catastrophes and triumphs. The pirate’s island, which until now I’d hadn’t thought about in much detail, has suddenly become a
world of wonderful test and turmoil.
Meanwhile, my Peacemaker sample is nearly ready to go back to my agent and hopefully on to my publisher. I’m already very close to this story, which is a nice feeling. It’s like a friendship almost…