Marianne de Pierres
Marianne Delacourt and Twelfth Planet Press are delighted to announce the fifth Tara Sharp story, a novella entitled RAZOR SHARP, will be published in mid 2022.
Tara Sharp is back in action and the pace is supercharged. Undaunted by pandemics, bikies, her nemesis John Viaspa, and her complicated love life, Tara fights back to look after her own when the threats get personal.
The publication of the novella comes just as Blackstone are also releasing the series internationally in audio book format on Audible and through other platforms. The books are narrated by Anthea Greco, who has read the audio version of many crime and women’s fiction novels by authors such as Sarah Foster, Megan Goldin, Kate Northrup, Pamela Hart, and Pip Drysdale.
Right now you can download a free sample of the Sharp Shooter audio.
Pre-orders and enquiries about the novella can be made through the Twelfth Planet Press website.