I’m booked to run two spec fic master classes for Writers’ Victoria in September. Sign up now, or miss out. Course outlines below:

Spec Fic Masterclass
(Londsdale Street, Melbourne)
Sunday 28 September 2014, 10:00AM – 4:00PM
Presented by: Marianne de Pierres
Rating: Emerging and Established
Type: Masterclass
Address some of the key issues in writing speculative fiction, including how to build convincing worlds, maintain narrative drive, and effectively mix sub-genres. Get an up-to-date insight into the industry, explore the concept of creating adaptable content for New Media and how to survive in the brave new world of publishing.
Learning Outcomes
• Excellence in world-building
• How to maintain narrative drive
• How to successfully mix speculative fiction genres
• How to create speculative fiction for the new world of publishing
• Current industry insight
Marianne de Pierres is a multi-award winning Australian author of novels written in the science fiction, fantasy, crime, and young adult genres. Over the eighteen years Marianne has been a professional writer, she’s acquired a wide skill base and knowledge about the craft and business of writing. Marianne is currently tutoring in writing at the University of Queensland and is the Project Manager for WRITE101x, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) being developed by uqX as part of the edX consortium.
Marianne will also be giving this workshop in Geelong on Saturday 27 September.
This tour is made possible by the support of the Australia Council for the Arts in collaboration with the national network of State and Territory Writers Centres.
Book online now.
Spec Fic Masterclass
Saturday 27 September 2014, 10:00AM – 4:00PM
Presented by: Marianne de Pierres
Rating: Emerging and Established
Type: Masterclass
Address some of the key issues in writing speculative fiction, including how to build convincing worlds, maintain narrative drive, and effectively mix sub-genres. Get an up-to-date insight into the industry, explore the concept of creating adaptable content for New Media and how to survive in the brave new world of publishing.
Learning Outcomes
• Excellence in world-building
• How to maintain narrative drive
• How to successfully mix speculative fiction genres
• How to create speculative fiction for the new world of publishing
• Current industry insight
Marianne de Pierres is a multi-award winning Australian author of novels written in the science fiction, fantasy, crime, and young adult genres. Over the eighteen years Marianne has been a professional writer, she’s acquired a wide skill base and knowledge about the craft and business of writing. Marianne is currently tutoring in writing at the University of Queensland and is the Project Manager for WRITE101x, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) being developed by uqX as part of the edX consortium.
Marianne will also be giving this workshop in Melbourne on Sunday 28 September.
This tour is made possible by the support of the Australia Council for the Arts in collaboration with the national network of State and Territory Writers Centres. It is presented in collaboration with Geelong Writers and Belmont Library.
Book online now.