Category: News

iggy-azalea-01-2014-billboard-650This gal sure has them talking! I’ve listened to a lot of interviews with Iggy Azalea and just as many opinion pieces about her, and I can say with conviction that the girl’s got metal. People are either hating her for her accent, her rapping style, the fact that she’s a white woman, the fact that she’s an Australian usurper, the fact that she’s got a signature booty, the fact that TI’s her mentor…the list goes on. And despite all of that, she’s selling tunes and kicking heads. More power to her!

iggy-azalea-cover-03-2014-billboard-400Though I don’t like some of her hyper-sexualised video imagery (Pussy for one), and (not surprisingly) most of her lyrics are about sticking it to the man (or men and women) who’ve made her journey so tough, I LOVE Iggy’s beats, and I’m super impressed with her stage confidence.

It makes me cringe to listen to some of the crudely personal questions she’s asked about her body and private life, and yet she seems to handle it with adroit deflection. I can’t even begin to imagine how tough it must have been/still is for her trying to find a place in a corner of the music world that is determined to expose her as phoney and talent-less.

I think she’s a determined young woman who’s worked incredibly hard, has a passion for hip hop, and an ear for the best way to pop it up. I also think it’s completely irrelevant whether she writes her own material or not (a matter for endless/pointless discussion on the ‘webs). It’s all about the delivery, and she sure knows how to do that. The Clueless-inspired video for her single Fancy was…well…inspired, and the Bollywood Bounce extravaganza was hectic fun.

New classic, old classic, no classic…Iggy is boss! Music folk: there’s room for everyone.


Change Your Life




To celebrate the launch of my new website, I’m giving away two bundles of my short fiction (5 short stories with cover art, all sent to you inbox immediately!) to whoever posts the best Twitter or Facebook post about the new look.

Copy your post into the comments section below or email it to me through the contact form.The competition will be open until the midnight on July 13th AESDT.

Skintight Duds by Marianne de Pierres  The Cure by Marianne de Pierres

And so the new website look is here. Austin Designworks have done a wonderful job capturing the many faces of my writing. I hope you find the new look ‘energetic’ but still streamlined.

I would appreciate if you could take the time to browse and let me know if you stumble upon any broken links or problematic displays.

All the books pages have buy options on the right hand column. Translation covers are nested in the individual book pages.

You can access the blog through the HOME page or the BLOG page in the main TOP menu.

The STORE has been revamped and you can now buy my short fiction and comic through it. In time, I will make novellas available too!



davitt-award  aurealis-award   logo-curtin-university

Peacemaker - Aurealis Award
Best Science Fiction Novel 2014

Curtin University Distinguished Alumni Award 2014

Transformation Space - Aurealis Award
 Best Science Fiction Novel 2010

Sharp Shooter - Davitt Award
Best Crime Novel 2009 (Sisters in Crime Australia) 





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