I’ve recently taken part in Fablecroft’s series on Indie Press and you can find my thoughts here. Also upcoming is an article in Geek Speak about the Peacemaker Comic and my Bibliobuffet In Conversation with Gillian Polack and Justina Robson. Will post those links soon.
Tara Sharp 3 is surging along on a tide of Tara-like investigations and nonsense. Always such fun to be in her head. I’ll be taking her with me to SheKilda and hope I can step out of Tara-land at the convention and be me!
Brigitte has done some character sketches for the new characters in issue 2 of Peacemaker and will be starting on the sequencing soon. YAY!
Angel Arias is in stores in about ten days and Yunyu’s wonderful new song Bluebeard will be made available free for everyone to enjoy with the book. The song really fits the tempo of Angel Arias which is quite a fast-paced survival tale. There is also a pirate in the book which connects well with the title (even though my pirate is called Ruzalia).
There’ve been some wonderful reviews for Burn Bright over the last few months but this is definitely one of the best I’ve read. The reviewer really understood the themes of the book.
Lastly, I’m always happy to see people are still discovering Parrish Plessis and this review just popped up for Nylon Angel. “Guts and Personal Demons” is certainly an apt description of Parrish!