The book blogging community is quite special; switched on, communicative and quite powerful. I didn’t quite realise that until I started writing YA fiction. Out there in YA-land they’re talking and loving books – and they are respectful of each others’ tastes. I suppose it’s a generational thing, and that younger readers (say 35 and under) are using the social networking platforms that they’ve grown up with, to share their passion. It makes me wish I was younger! How less isolating it would have been for me growing up. How amazing to have been part of such a wide and thriving community. Life would have been so much better.
Anyway, today is a big shout out to Lyndsey at Strangemore who has just begun a campaign to bring Burn Bright (The Night Creatures trilogy) to the US. To all those lovely readers who’ve emailed me asking where they can get the book – CHECK IT OUT!
A second shout out to Krista at Cubicle Blindness who has been single handedly campaigning for the same thing for a while. You’re not on your own anymore!
And also to ALL those wonderful bloggers who’ve run interviews with me and giveaways of Burn Bright – especially those who have taken it upon themselves to send Burn Bright on a book tour (Nomes at Inkcrush) around the world, so that others may enjoy it. You know who you are!
Lastly, to Braiden at Book Probe, who hosted a blogger kafee klatsch for myself and Alison Goodman and made my YouTube site look pretty.

Image borrowed from A Readers Record.