Marianne de Pierres
I’m super excited to announce that the Tara Sharp series is being re-released by the Deadlines imprint of Twelfth Planet Press. To go with the re-issue of the first three books, the new novel (book 4), will be out in November 2016.
But right now you can pre-order SHARP SHOOTER’s new edition through Amazon or Twelfth Planet Press.
It is being released on May 23rd 2016.
TPP have re-packaged and re-edited the entire series. SHARP SHOOTER has had some tweaking done to it, and brand new material will be inserted into book two, SHARP TURN.
As part of the re-packaging, Cathy Larsen has designed an absolutely kick ass cover. I particularly love the colours, which are reminiscent of a blue sky and ochre dirt of the Australian landscape.
Cathy, as some of you know, has been designing for Penguin for many years, including being the cover artist for Isobelle’s Obernewtyn series.
The Tara Sharp site will have some re-design work done to it also, to fall in line with the new look. Currently, it features some designs we had originally planned to use, and changed our minds about. They were great, but we feel the new ones represent the look we want.
This is the first time the books have been released internationally (outside Australia and New Zealand), so please help us spread the word by writing an Amazon review, or simply recommending them to a friend. We hope the rest of the world has as much fun hanging out with this Aussie girl as we do.
Thanks for you patience, and welcome to new era of Tara’s life!