Marianne de Pierres

Hi All, thought I would update you on some recent musings!

In my latest blog post on Medium, I continue to explore truth in a series called The Truth Wars. This new one is called Munificent Minsets – tapping into our best selves.

Other articles in the series include I Can Neither Confirm of DenyBurning Down The HouseThrumming the Web of Influence, and Are You Who I Think You Are?

In Munificent Mindsets I talk about pettiness and its role in being human, who we aspire to be, and will we ever get there.

You’ll find most of my current non fiction writing shared on LinkedIN. My work writing is based on neuroscience and leaership, and my Medium blog posts are personal thoughts and interest areas.

The truth has become a topic of fascination for me over the last year or so. Such a slippery little sucker and yet something many of us yearn for more of in our lives.

Enjoy! And as always comments are welcome.

And just a shout out to Bianca Samut, who’s allowing me to use her amazing illustrations on my Medium site. I’ve added one to this post so you can see!


Marianne de Pierres

Have you ever been frustrated as hell because you’re trying to do something and to get there you have to do a bunch of other things first? The concept is called Shaving the Yak, and on my latest MEDIUM post I ruminate on how it is a great metaphor for life in general i.e., How being human stops us from being who we want to be.

I also feature artwork fro Brisbane artist and potter, Bianca Samut.






Marianne de Pierres

Hi All,

after a PhD and signifcant life hiatus, I’m excited to share with you that I will have 3 books coming our next year. A novella in a current series, and novel in a new series and a children’s picture book. Also a secret squirrel TV series in the cooking pot.

The details will be coming soon. But just letting you know… I’m BACK!

MDP xxxx







davitt-award  aurealis-award   logo-curtin-university

Peacemaker - Aurealis Award
Best Science Fiction Novel 2014

Curtin University Distinguished Alumni Award 2014

Transformation Space - Aurealis Award
 Best Science Fiction Novel 2010

Sharp Shooter - Davitt Award
Best Crime Novel 2009 (Sisters in Crime Australia) 





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